Maths is a marvellous thing

The Australian Independent Media Network


Like climbing mountains, maths is a marvellous thing.  It is objective rather than a matter of opinion.  It can’t be argued with.  A fact is a fact.

But like many other powerful tools, maths can be used for evil in the hands of the unscrupulous.

Take our present government – please.

On a Liberal Party page called “The Prime Minister – securing Australia’s economic future” our fearless leader makes certain claims.

“When the Coalitions (sic) last left office, Australia had a $20 billion surplus and $50 billion in the bank but over six years, Labor squandered this and ran up five record deficits and a further $123 billion in projected deficits and gross debt headed towards $667 billion.”

Firstly, how many Coalitions do we have?  There is the one with various forms of the National/Country party – are there other agreements I should know about?

Now, how about…

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